Discover the Secrets to Write and Secure Grants for Your Non-Profit or Ministry To Finance Your Organizations' Mission

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Hey Hey Hey World Changers,

Nathalie Nelson Parker here....and I want to ask you a few questions.

Are you tired of not having enough money for your program or project?

Are you frustrated because there’s not enough resources, staff or money to run your church or non-profit?

Are you a church leader or non-profit organization that is under-resourced, overworked, underpaid, and understaffed?

I get’s ROUGH!

But I want to show you how in a few years I was able to go from 0 to a half a million to fund my passion projects.



Well, my name is Nathalie Nelson Parker and I was born in Queens, New York to two loving parents who migrated from Jamaica.

I'm not a stranger to hard work and dedication. My journey began as an exemplary student graduating with honors from Adelphi University and Columbia University.

After leaving a 6-figure job to answer the call to full-time ministry, people thought I was crazy!

Why would you leave guaranteed salary money, to now work in "The Ministry"?

Within 3 years my husband, Leon F. Parker, III and I were able to start a consulting business, begin national initiatives, and raise multiple 6-figures in grant funding to help leaders develop and empower their communities.

That's pretty cool, right?

But to be Honest, It Wasn't Always Like this...

There was a moment in our ministry where we were nervous, concerned and fearful on how we were going to get ministry work done.

My husband taught me everything he learned about Grant writing, I researched the right resources, and then I began to put things into action....

...and thanks be to God, we went from funds-less to funded.

I discovered the secrets to securing grants, and I want to help you do the same.

In The Art of Securing the Grants, I’ll be sharing tips, tricks, and templates from my proven strategies to go from zero to funded! 

Whether you’re new to grant writing, never wrote a grant, or haven’t even started on your nonprofit idea, I’ll be your guide on your grant writing and grant securing journey.

Enroll Today and Discover How to Write and Secure Grants for Your Non-Profit or Ministry To Finance Your Organizations' Mission

In this 6 Module Video Training Course, you will learn how to:

  • Discover where to look and find grants that support your cause
  • Learn the four secrets that hinder every non-profit and ministry when securing grants
  • Discover how to write grants that get your cause or mission discovered.

This program is designed for Church Leaders  and Non-Profit Organizations that are under-resourced, overworked, underpaid, and understaffed.

The Art of Securing Grants includes:

  1. 6 Video Training Modules with 3 Lessons per Module
  2. Over 20 PDF Downloadable Worksheets and grant securing templates
  3. Lifetime access to all modules, Grant Awarded Proposals, and 
  4. Supportive Online Community for coaching and consulting
YES! I Want to Access to Grant Course >>

Thanks for reading! The Investment for this Program is discounted (60% off) for early course members.

Course Modules are ongoing, so you can position your organization to be grant-ready in preparation for the anticipated $85 billion in grant funding donated in 2021 alone!

If you’re lucky enough to secure one of the 100 spots inside The Art of Securing grants then congratulations, you’re in for an amazing 2021... 

I look forward to seeing you inside!



"I have been gifted the tools I will need to put myself in the proper position to get funding in the future, be it marketing/branding, building a team/board, securing grants, as well as the awesome network of people I'm now connected to. I've looked at grants before and the process seemed overwhelming. After taking this course, I now know, at least how to start and what is needed, which makes it seem less challenging and more accessible. Now when it is time to move forward with the vision, I have the process. I'm so excited!!! AND Grateful!!! This has been an amazing experience!"

LaShaunta Reid

"Nathalie N. Parker has been a God send to the non-profit world. Her grant writing course prepared me with a strong foundation to prepare for success. Not only did I learn from her course, she also provided small group support and a one-on-one session to answer questions and offer support. Nathalie genuinely cares about the success of those she mentors. She has become an awesome resource that I proudly share with anyone who is interested in creating a non-profit organization. I am forever grateful for her generous spirit, wealth of knowledge and servant leadership."

Dr. Camille Johnson
Executive Educational Leadership & Consulting

"The Nitty-Gitty: Nathalie is an amazing Leader who empowers young Adults and has a proven track record of grant writing. The Art of Securing Grant is the best investment I made this year."

Kevin Kosh
Rust College

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